Skill Level: Intermediate
Technique: Technique - Round Wire
Whether you are preparing for a wedding, prom or pageant - don't forget jewelry for your hair! The basic directions for this Decorative Hair Comb can be followed to the letter, or expanded upon to create a wide variety of designs that are limited only by your imagination. Have fun experimenting with craft wire in different colors to match your theme. You could even incorporate silk flowers!
Straighten the 20-gauge wire and then cut the following lengths: three 6" pieces and two 8" pieces. Put one of the 8" pieces to the side. Mark the center of the remaining three 6" and the one 8" piece. Place the marked pieces side-by-side, so the marks line up and the 8" piece is on the bottom. Tape the flat bundle about 1" to each side of the center marks. Now measure ½" to each side of the center and mark again, across the whole bundle.
Center the remaining 8-inch piece of wire into flat nose pliers, about ⅓ of the way up from their tip. Bend the wire over one side of the pliers to make a 'V'.
Place the new wire 'V' over the center mark on the wire bundle and crimp into place with the flat nose pliers. While holding onto the newly made crimped 'V' with flat nose pliers, wrap each end of the 'V' wire around the wire bundle, toward its corresponding end. Use flat nose pliers to crimp each wrap.
Continue to wrap and crimp until the entire space between the marks has been covered and both wrap wire ends are facing toward one side, which is now the back of the bundle.
Gently fan the wrapped bundle of wires to look like the photo.
Use any wire, except one of the two longer, bottom wires, and thread on a variety of beads, leaving the same length of wire above the beads as the bead choice is long. Bend this wire length, over the backside/top of the topmost bead, and use chain nose pliers to wrap it around itself immediately under the topmost bead. Run the rest of the wire down the backside of the remaining group of beads and connect under the bottom/last bead, to secure your bead combination to the top of the wire.
To make a tendril or coil, choose another of the shorter wires and about ⅓ of the way up from the wire bundle, use round nose pliers to wind the wire around, thus forming another platform to add beads to.
To make a loop, choose another of the shorter wires, about ⅓ of the way up from the main wire bundle, and wrap the wire around the tip of the round nose pliers, add beads, and make another loop at the top of the bead combination, securing beads in the center of the wire. Try finishing this combination by adding another bead and then a coil at the top.
Bead the remaining short wires at will; remember not to do the longer ones yet!
Position the beaded wire bundle on top of the comb, and use the ends of the center wrapped wire to wrap through the combs teeth and around the top, securing the wire bundle to the comb. Design and bead each at will.
Return now to the longer, bottom wires. Wrap each one over the top of, and through the teeth of the comb, and then loop back under its self, ending with each one straight out either side of the comb.
Centerpiece petal: thread a 2mm bead onto the end of a 2-inch headpin, follow with a 9x5mm faceted bi-cone, a 2mm silver, and another 9x5mm bi-cone. Use chain nose pliers to bend headpin wire at 90° immediately under last bead. Make 5 petals.
Insert all five headpin petals into a 5mm, round, silver bead. Put a 3mm bead onto another 2-inch headpin and insert this headpin into the center of the petals in the 5mm bead. Use the end of the center headpin wire to wrap around all the petal ends, securing them into one round bundle.
Bend the petal bundle and insert it under the wrapped center of the wire bundle on top of the comb. Wrap these ends around the center wire bundle several times to secure. Arrange the beaded wires and the center flower to a desired look and enjoy!
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