Adding Hearts to Your Designs

by Judy Larson
Mother Nature supplies us with heart-shaped rocks, but not very often. It can take years to collect enough small ones to assemble into a bracelet. Make a single, special stone heart into a pendant.

Except for the heart rocks found on beach walks, I did not think hearts were something I used a lot or gravitated to in jewelry designs. When consolidating some of my template sketches, I realized I used hearts more often than I thought. When searching through my archives, I found things I did not even remember!
My most often used hearts are at the top of the photo. Since I used these shapes and sizes often, I made rows of multiples below. Print two pages, one to keep as an original to copy from later, and one to cut apart. Print out a page-they fit on a sheet of typing paper-and use what you need, and there will be more left for later.
Store original templates in a plastic sleeve. A small resealable snack bag will hold the sections cut from the second printed page.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart shaped pebbles
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart shaped pebble
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart templates
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, storing templates
Hearts do not always have to be hand-made, as with the artisan looking heart charms added to these bracelets.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart charms
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart charm
However, your own personal touch and an artisan feel can be added by using your own hand-crafted hearts.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart charms
A personal hidden message, initials, or a date can be engraved on a plain heart soldered to the back of a piece. I love the hidden hearts on the back of the earrings.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, hearts on the backs of bezels
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, bezeled stone bracelet
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, hearts on backs of bezels
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, stone earrings
A message of faith was added to this cross given to our pastor to commemorate her first year serving our congregation.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, hearts on backs of bezels
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, stone cross
All the small hearts on these bracelet links can be interpreted as a message of love.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, heart bracelet
You can never go wrong with the simplicity of a single heart on a chain or it can be highly embellished for a Victorian look.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, wire hearts
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, fancy bezel
Silver scraps from a few projects can easily be melted down and recycled into a nugget heart focal charm, as well as be used to make the links in a bracelet.
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, scrap silver bracelet
On beach walks after Hurriacne Ian, my daughter found many shells with heart-shaped holes in them. I molded a few of the shells and incorporated the heart-shaped hole into the design when making this two-sided metal clay pendant for her.
How will you use hearts?
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, silver shell pendant
Judy Larson's Adding Hearts to Your Designs - , Wire Jewelry Design, Design, silver shell pendant


24 Gauge Dead Soft Argentium Silver Sheet - 6 Inches
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1 Inch
  • Price: $38.02
  • Gold Club Price: $28.51
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Basic Soldering Kit
  • G15-4
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $58.95
  • Gold Club Price: $44.21
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  • Category: Design
  • Technique(s): Design