Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant, Wire Weaving. Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire. .

Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant

by Deborah Kelly
  • Category: Weaving
  • Technique(s): Coiling, Weaving
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
Weaving and coiling around a single bead creates a pendant that looks right at you! The Eye of the Beholder!


18 Gauge Round Half Hard Copper Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 4.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $3.38
  • Gold Club Price: $2.53
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24 Gauge Round Dead Soft Copper Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 7.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 10FT
  • Price: $1.78
  • Gold Club Price: $1.33
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Pink Mabe Pearl 9 to 10mm - Pack of 1
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $10.47
  • Gold Club Price: $7.85
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C.H.P Milano Angled Flush Cutter, 5-1/4 Inches
  • PLR-489.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $21.95
  • Gold Club Price: $16.46
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Chain Nose Wire Pliers
  • G2-508
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $32.95
  • Gold Club Price: $24.71
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6 Step Barrel Plier - Pack of 1
  • G2-503
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $14.95
  • Gold Club Price: $11.21
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Step 1
Cut the 18-gauge wire into four 12" pieces. Take the 24-gauge weaving wire and wrap one end of it 3 times around the middle of one of the 18-gauge wires.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 2
Place a second 18-gauge wire next to the wrapped one and wrap around both wires once.
Bring the weaving wire between the two wires to get ready for Step 3.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 3
Place a 3rd 18-gauge wire next to the 2nd one and wrap the weaving wire around the 2nd and 3rd once. Bring the weaving wire between the 2nd and 3rd wire to prepare for the next step
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 4
Place the 4th and final wire next to the 3rd wire and wrap the 3rd and 4th wire once with the weaving wire.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 5
Take the weaving wire down behind the 3 base wires (4th, 3rd, and 2nd). Bring it thru between the 1st and 2nd wire. Wrap the weaving wire around the 2nd and 3rd wires once.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 6
Take the weaving wire down behind the wires to the bottom and wrap up around the 1st and 2nd base one once.
Looking at the weave from the front side the weaving wire should go over 2 wires at a time after the original 3 wraps.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 7
Wrap the 1st wire 3 times with the weaving wire.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 8
Repeat steps 2 thru 7 six more times or until this weave is one inch long.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 9
Cut off the beginning weaving wire tail and smooth down with pliers. Bend the 1st base wire at a 90 degree angle away from the other base wires right at the beginning of the weave. Put the bead on the bent wire.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 10
Bend the weave around the bead. Bend the wire going thru the bead right where it comes out of the bead to lay beside the rest of the wires coming out of the weave on that side of the bead. Bend the two wires farthest from the bead (on the side of the bead with 5 wires) off to the side.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 11
Wrap the weaving wire around the wire coming out of the bead and the wire next to it once. Leave a space the size of the weaving wire between the two base wires.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 12
Wrap the weaving wire around all three base wires that are along side each other. Make sure there is a space big enough for the weaving wire to go thru between each base wire.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 13
Wrap the weaving wire around the wire coming out of the bead and the wire next to it once.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 14
Next wrap the weaving wire around the wire thru the bead 3 times.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 15
Continue this weave of wrapping two wires once, then all three wires once, then two wires once and then the one wire 3 times. Do this weave for 2 ½ inches.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 16
At one inch up the last weave done bend weave around the 2nd largest step on the bail making pliers. Bend towards the back on the pendant around the pliers. Bring the rest of the weave in a curve around the side of the bead and down to where the 1st weave began. This 2nd weave should go to the bottom of the 1st weave.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 17
End the weaving wire by cutting it close to the base wire and using pliers to smooth down. Wrap the weave to the back side of the pendant going over the 1st weave done.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 18
Cut off the 3 base wires sticking out of the last weave done and crimp around the 1st weave next to the bead.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 19
On the side of the pendant with 2 wires sticking out, wrap the top wire (the one closest to the bail) with the weaving wire 3 times.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 20
Wrap the weaving wire around both wires twice. Then around the the first wire three times, then around both wires twice again. Repeat this pattern.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 21
Repeat this weave on these two wires for 2 ½ inches. End the weaving wire after wrapping the one wire 3 times by cutting it close to the wire it is wrapped around and smoothing down with pliers.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 22
Take what is left of the weaving wire and coil it around the top wire of the three wires (closest to the bail) on the other side of the pendant.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 23
Coil this wire for 2 ¾ inches. Cut off the extra wire and smooth the end down. Cut off any tail ends of wire and smooth with pliers.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 24
Take the bottom wire out of the 3 next to each other and fold it over the end of the weave on the back side of the pendant. Cut off just long enough to fold over the cut ends on the back of the pendant and crimp down. Make sure there is no sharp edges.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 25
Take the two wire weave and bring it around the bead going over the top of the bead first. Keep the weave flat while doing this. Bring the weave up over where it started.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 26
Take the bare wire from the other side of the pendant and wrap it up and around the weave going around the bead. While going around go under the weave not attached at the side. Bring the bare wire back to where it started and wrap around to the back of the pendant.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 27
Take the coiled wire and wrap around on the out side of the bare wire all the way around the weave and bead. Make sure to go behind where the 2 wire weave it sticking up from the pendant. Bring the coiled wire to the back of the pendant where it started.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 28
Bring the 2 wire weave to the back of the pendant.

Cut the wires off long enough to tuck around the weave making the bail and crimp into place.

End the coiled and bare wire by cutting them off and bending them around the wire where they started.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant
Step 29
Enjoy your new pendant and experiment with different color beads and wrapping the wires differently or other weaves on it.
Deborah Kelly's Woven Eye of the Beholder Pendant - , Wire Weaving, Coiling, Coiling Wire, Wire Coiling, Weaving, Wire Weaving, Weaving Wire, woven eye of the beholder pendant