Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin, Classic Wire Jewelry. Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry. Wire wrap a special coin to make a beautiful pendant that is sure to become a treasured keepsake.

Wire Wrap a Coin

by Judy Larson
  • Category: Classic
  • Technique(s): Wrapping
  • Skill Level: Beginner
Wire wrap a special coin to make a beautiful pendant that is sure to become a treasured keepsake. Hint: If you want to hang this on a keychain, cut the decorative swirl wires short and snug them down next to the bail wrap as in Step 18.


21 Gauge Square Dead Soft 14/20 Rose Gold Filled Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $34.05
  • Gold Club Price: $25.54
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20 Gauge Round Half Hard 14/20 Gold Filled Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $33.97
  • Gold Club Price: $25.48
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WireJewelry - Ultimate Wire-Pliers Jewelry Pliers with Case, Set of 5
  • G15-20
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $170.72
  • Gold Club Price: $128.04
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Painter’s tape
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
1/4" mandrel
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
3/8" mandrel
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
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Step 1
Read through the tutorial before starting the project. Follow all safety precautions pertaining to the tools and supplies being used and the space you are working in.

Measure the circumference of your coin: Wrap the outer edge of your coin with a strip of painters tape. Remove the tape and place it on a piece of paper. Measure the tape length. Draw a line on the paper the length of the tape and divide this length into quarters. The length of wire to add to this measurement is determined by what you wish to do with the excess wires after the bail is made at the top of the pendant. For the bail on the coin pendants shown here, 4¼" was added to the coin circumference measurement.
Step 2
Straighten and cut 20 or 21 gauge square wires needed for the chosen coin. For this design on the Presidential dollar coin 4 wires are needed, each 7½" long-4¼" longer than the circumference of the coin. For the Sakagawea dollar 5 wires are used because it is just a bit thicker. The number of wires used is determined by the thickness of the coin. Most coins use 4 or 5 wires. Stack the wires until they equal the thickness of the coin, then add two more.
Step 3
Lay the wires side by side, ends even. To make the wire bundle easier to work with, use painter's tape to secure the wire ends together.
Step 4
Using an ultra fine point retractable Sharpie, mark the center of the bundle. Line this mark up on the center mark of the line drawn in Step 1. Use the Sharpie to transfer the other lines to the wire bundle. There should now be 5 lines marked on the bundle.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 5
Using 20 or 21 gauge half round wire, make five wraps to show-meaning that there are five wrap wires showing on what will be the outside of the pendant wire bezel-over the three center marked lines. Hint: Four wraps will work fine if you are running short of half round wire. Trim the wrap wire tails on the back side of the wire bundle so they cover at least half the width of the square wires as shown in the photo.

Place the bundle next to the line and check to make sure that the wraps are lined up with the marks. If the wraps need to be moved, use a fingernail or wood dowel, NOT a metal tool, to move the wraps. Once the wraps are in place, snug them down tighter to the square wire bundle using flat nose pliers.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 6
Firmly grasp one end of the wire bundle with flat nose pliers (or parallel jaw flat nose pliers) below the outer marked line so the line and bail wires are above the jaw. The line should barely be visible above the plier jaws. Using your fingers, make a 90° bend over the top of the pliers with the wires pushed TOWARD the outside or right side of the bundle framework over the top of the pliers.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 7
The mandrel used for shaping the wire bundle does not need to be exactly the size of the coin but it should be very close. Center the mandrel between the wraps on the wrong side and bend the bundle around the mandrel. When the top bail wires are pulled together around the coin, they should meet and the coin should be tight in the wire bezel. The wire bends made in Step 6 can be adjusted if necessary.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 8
Remove the tape from the ends of the wire bundle. Tape all the wires together close to the bail wire ends.
Step 9
Use painter's tape, temporarily secure the coin in the bezel.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 10
Make a hook about 1" from the end of a 12" piece of 20 or 21 gauge half round wire. The bend in the half round wire should be wide enough to accommodate two thicknesses of square wire. Position the hook at the base of the bail wires with the cut end toward the back of the pendant and the bend of the hook on the front of the assembly. Wrap the longer wire end tightly around the square wires, tightening down after each half wrap, until there are 3 wraps showing in the front and 2 in the back. Try not to overlap the wraps but to have them nestle tightly side by side. DO NOT CUT THE WRAP WIRE ENDS OFF!
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 11
Remove the tape from the bail wires. Bend the front 4 wires, two from each side, slightly towards the pendant front. If using five wires, bend the center wire on each side towards the outside. Bend the back 4 wires slightly towards the back. The whole thing looks like a porcupine!

Twist each of the back center two wires. Hint: Count the number of twists to get the twists even on both wires. Do not overtwist or the wire could break. Push the back 4 wires back together, with the two twisted wires centered between the two straight wires. These wires will be used to make the bail.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 12
If a more streamlined bail is desired, as in the left and right pendants in the second photo, twist an outer square wire together with the twisted square wire next to it. Repeat the process with the other two wires. There will now be two bail wires instead of four bail wires.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 13
Place the ¼" mandrel/dowel on the back of the four (or two as made in Step 12) bail wires on the back of the pendant about one third of the way up from the base of the bail wires. Bend the wires over the mandrel/dowel until they touch the back of the coin.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 14
Make a 30° bend in the bail wires about 1/8" up from the last half round wire wrap. Hold the cut ends of the bail wire tightly to the coin. Make three more half round wire wraps around all the bail wires going up towards the 30° bend in the bail wires, securing all the bail wires tightly together. Do not cut the half round wire off yet.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 15
Below the wrap, bend the square wires that were held on the coin out away from the coin at a 45-60° angle. Evenly trim the bail square wire ends below the wrap to a scant ¼".
Step 16
Remove the painter's tape from the coin. Use round nose pliers to make bends in the top wire close to each wrap on the back of the coin. Notice that the tips of the pliers are spread a bit to make each bend with a twist of the pliers. Turn the assembly over and repeat the process on the front. Once the bend in the wire is made, you really can't go back and fix it, so go slowly and be patient. Also, be very careful not to scratch coin with the plier tips.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 17
Use chain or round nose pliers to make a small curl in each ¼" on the back of the pendant. wire toward the coin.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 18
The half round wrap wires should now be tightened and secured to either side of the wrap. They can be cut a bit long and spiraled or cut to fit. Pull the original short wire from the hook under the bent up wires on the back of the bail and to the side, pulling tight. Tighten the wire ends down with flat nose pliers. Tucking the half round wires in someplace where they will be covered protects them from being snagged and pulling off the pendant.
Pro Tip: I personally like pulling my bail wrap wires tightly inside the bail, trimming them, and then pushing the wire end between the front and back bail wires. I also like to pull the wires tightly from the back to the front between the frame and stone/coin at the base of the bail and trimming them off so the tip does not show. Wherever you end the wrap wire, make sure it is secure and unobtrusive.
Step 19
If five wires were used to make the framework, bend the two center side wires out at a 90° angle. Trim each to about 1/8" in length. Bend each wire down close to wire wrap. Use flat nose pliers to press the short wires tightly against the bail half round wire wraps.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 20
Pull the front two center wires forward and twist in the same manner as the wires in Step 11.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 21
Trim the front 4 wires to the same length.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 22
Decide which wire, plain or twisted, will be in front and which will be in back. Working on the pendant front, wrap each decided upon back wire outward from the pendant center around a 3/8" dowel. Use the tip of a round nose pliers to finish the curl, making a loose spiral. Pull the spirals together and slightly down over the top edge of the coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 23
Repeat the same process as in Step 22 with the wires that will be in front. Use the tip of a round nose pliers to finish the curl, making a loose spiral, mirroring the spiral on the wire behind it. The spirals do not hold the coin in place, so if placing the spirals higher is desired, as in the pendant on the left in the second photo, that is fine.
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Step 24
Make adjustments in the spirals so that they sit on top of each other and mirror each other. Your coin pendant is finished!
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin
Judy Larson's Wire Wrap a Coin - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, classic wire wrapped coin