Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem, Metalwork. Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder. Don't be afraid to combine elements from different tutorials to create a whole new product.

Creating a Flower Stem

by Judy Larson
  • Category: Metalwork
  • Technique(s): Butane Torch Techniques
  • Skill Level: Beginner
Don't be afraid to combine elements from different tutorials to create a whole new product.
Elements from three tutorials were combined to make a whole new flower:
The flower template and directions from the Small Flower Embellishment
The sepal template from the Three Petal Bud and Layered Flower Embellishment
The directions for making the Small Flower Bud Embellishment.
The flower stem is a length of 20-gauge wire balled at one end.


20 Gauge Round Dead Soft Argentium .940 Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $3.28
  • Gold Club Price: $2.46
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24 Gauge Dead Soft Argentium Silver Sheet - 6 Inches
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1 Inch
  • Price: $38.02
  • Gold Club Price: $28.51
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Master Jewelry Soldering Kit
  • G32-MASTER
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $239.93
  • Gold Club Price: $179.95
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Step 1
Read through the tutorial before starting the project. Follow all safety precautions for the space you are working in as well as all safety precautions pertaining to the tools and supplies you will be using to complete the project.

Enlarge or reduce the templates and print on typing paper. To make the flower size shown here, scale the flowers to ½" or 12mm in diameter. The sepal template is approximately the same size as the template for the flowers.

Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, flower templates
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, sepal template
Step 2
The flower is constructed with three slightly different size flower layers. Cut the templates apart. Use stick glue to adhere them to 24 gauge sheet metal. Using a saw to cut out the flower shapes, cut one inside the line, one on the line, and one outside the line, making three different sizes of flowers. Cut the sepal shape on the line.
Step 3
Following the directions in the Small Flower Embellishment tutorial, shape each of the flowers. Bend the flower petals of the top two flowers upward, separating all three layers while still making sure all three centers touch each other.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, bend up the petals
Step 4
Use medium solder to secure the three layers of flower petal sections together, largest on the bottom, smallest on top, making sure the petals are all off-set. Heat until the solder flows. Cool.
Step 5
Drill a hole through the center to accommodate a 20 gauge wire through the three layers of flower petals. Tips for drilling are in the Small Flower Bud Embellishment tutorial.

Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, drill a hole through the center of the flower
Step 6
Use a center punch to make a divot in the center of the sepal where indicated by the dot on the template. Drill a hole in the sepal in the same manner as the flower in Step 5.
Step 7
Stamp a line down the center of each of the three leaves on the sepal shape using a ¼" or 1/8" chisel or line stamp. Shape the sepal on the altered wood dapping block. Use round nose pliers to bend the tips.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, use a chisel as a stamp
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, bend the sepal petals
Step 8
Make a large ball on one end of a 3½" to 4" length of 20 gauge wire. The wire stem length is personal preference.
Step 9
Assemble the flower parts on the balled wire. Make any desired flower petal and sepal adjustments desired.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, assemble the flower
Step 10
Place a bit of medium paste solder in the center of the top flower. Don't worry that it covers the hole. Slide the balled wire tail through the hole in the flower, pulling the balled end tightly against the flower-first photo. Use a tissue to remove any solder residue from the wire stem. Flip the flower over. Place a bit of medium paste solder around the base of the wire coming out of the flower-second photo. Slide the shaped sepal down the wire and press into the solder-third photo. How the sepal petals are oriented to the flower petals is designer's choice. Put a bit of medium paste solder around the base of the wire where it exits the sepal. Slide the 3mm round bead down the wire and press into the solder-fourth photo.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, solder
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, solder
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, add solder
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, add solder
Step 11
Use a third hand to hold the flower assembly upside down over a soldering surface. Be careful when heating to only heat the flower and stay clear of the wire and bead. Heat until the solder flows. Immediately remove the heat. If the assembly is heated too long or over the wire and bead, the wire will melt and the weight of the flower will separate it from the wire. Allow the flower to cool before moving it.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, solder
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, solder
Step 12
Check the solder joins. Re-solder anything that is loose.
Step 13
Pickle the flower. Immediately upon removing it from the pickle, neutralize the flower in baking soda water. Rinse and dry the piece.
Step 14
Use fine sanding pads to refine and smooth any sharp points and edges.
Step 15
Tumble the piece for several hours to bring up a nice shine.
Step 16
Your beautiful flower is ready to use in a unique design.
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, finished flower on stem
Judy Larson's Creating a Flower Stem - , Metalwork, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, finished flower on stem