Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry, Contemporary Wire Jewelry. Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder. When your precious metal and/or base metal scrap boxes become full, it is time to come up with ways to use those bits and pieces.

Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry

by Judy Larson
  • Category: Contemporary
  • Technique(s): Wrapping, Butane Torch Techniques
  • Skill Level: Beginner
When your precious metal and/or base metal scrap boxes become full, it is time to come up with ways to use those bits and pieces. Sure, you can send scrap in to be recycled, but why not use scrap to create something new and fun. Hoop earrings, cuffs, and bangles make perfect bases for the Chaos Scrap Wrap.


10 Gauge Round Dead Soft Argentium .940 Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 8.00 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $31.87
  • Gold Club Price: $23.91
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20 Gauge Round Full Hard Argentium .940 Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 8.00 inches
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $3.29
  • Gold Club Price: $2.47
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18 Gauge Round Half Hard Copper Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 5.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $3.38
  • Gold Club Price: $2.53
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26 Gauge Round Half Hard Copper Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 3.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $1.02
  • Gold Club Price: $0.76
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26 Gauge Dead Soft Argentium Silver Sheet - 6 Inches
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1 Inch
  • Price: $31.13
  • Gold Club Price: $23.35
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26 Gauge Round Half Hard Argentium .940 Silver Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 3.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 5FT
  • Price: $3.87
  • Gold Club Price: $2.90
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Metal Cutting Shears
  • SHR-536.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $14.97
  • Gold Club Price: $11.23
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Wire Jewelry Tool Kit
  • G15-1
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $49.97
  • Gold Club Price: $37.48
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Blazer GB4001 Stingray Torch, Blue
  • TRCH-4002
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $49.95
  • Gold Club Price: $37.46
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Small Rawhide Hammer 1 Inch - Pack of 1
  • G3-1
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $21.95
  • Gold Club Price: $16.46
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Round Hard Wood Bracelet Mandrel - 15 Inches
  • G7-33
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $14.97
  • Gold Club Price: $11.23
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Premium Steel Bracelet Mandrel - Oval
  • MAN-217.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $42.97
  • Gold Club Price: $32.23
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  • CLN-163.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $17.95
  • Gold Club Price: $13.46
Out of Stock
Pickle Pot, 16 Ounces
  • CLN-584.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $31.95
  • Gold Club Price: $23.96
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Step 1:
Make the Base Pieces
The tutorials for Kat's Wire Hoop Earrings and the Oops! Cuff, found in the Wire Bangles tutorial, are on Wirejewlery.com. If you are making the Coil of Wire Bangle, find a bangle that fits you and place it on a bracelet mandrel. Use a Sharpie to mark a line above and below the bangle around the mandrel.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Make the Base Pieces, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Make the Base Pieces, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 2:
Coil of Wire Bangle
Wrap 18 gauge round dead soft wire five to six times around the TOP of a round or oval bracelet mandrel. Pull the wire coil down to about ¼" above the line marked on the mandrel. Trim off the excess wire, making sure there is a 1½" or a bit less overlap. Use a rubber or rawhide mallet to lightly hammer the wires into more ore les a round shape.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Coil of Wire Bangle, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Coil of Wire Bangle, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 3
Remove the wire coils from the mandrel. When removing the wires from the mandrel, they will spread a bit so hold them together tightly to prevent this. Use painters tape to secure the wires together. Check to make sure that the bangle sits no more than 1/8" below the line drawn on the mandrel. The chaos wraps will take up some room on the bangle so it is OK if it is a bit larger than the finished size of a plain bangle.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 4
20 gauge wire was used to secure the coil wires together. The tape was removed after the first few wire wraps. In retrospect, 26 or 28 gauge wire, as stated in the materials list, should have been used to secure the wires as the final chaos wrap in that area became a bit thicker than anticipated.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 5
Use paste solder for copper, or medium solder for silver if working in silver, in several areas to secure the wires together. That way, the bangle will not "grow: in size when adding the chaos wraps. The larger Handy Flame Butane Torch head on a butane canister is needed for soldering the piece because it is so large.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 6:
Chaos Wrap
First Layer of the Chaos Scrap Wrap: How many pieces of scrap that will be needed is determined by the size of the scrap pieces and the size of the area to be wrapped.

Check your scrap box for thinner sheet scrap. 26 and 28 gauge scrap sheet was used on the earrings. 24 and 26 gauge scrap sheet was used on the cuff. Pull out scrap that can be cut in thin strips.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Chaos Wrap, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Chaos Wrap, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 7
Remember, this is a scrap project so the strips can be curved or straight, longer and shorter. Try to make both ends come to a slight point and round off any corners.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 8
If the strips can be easily bent around the base wire, they will not need to be annealed. However, if they are stiff from cutting, anneal, pickle, rinse and dry the strips.
Step 9
Determine the length of the finished Chaos Scrap Wrap. Mark the beginning and end with a Sharpie. The scrap sheet wraps should start in the center of that section. Before using any of the pieces, check them over and file off any little wire protrusions.

Use the tips of a round nose pliers to make a loop on the of a strip that will fit over the base.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 10
Note: The sheet metal and wire wraps on the earrings will not be soldered. The wraps need to be tight on the earrings as heat from soldering will soften the metal of the hoop and the earring could then easily bend out of shape during use.

Hook the loop on the base to the right of center. Hold the loop in place on the base with flat or chain nose pliers. Wrap the scrap to the left, making sure that it does not overlap itself much, if at all.
If using longer, straighter strips: Lay a strip diagonally across the center of the section to be wrapped on the base and wrap to either side. Using pliers will aid in making a tighter wrap.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 11
These short wrapped pieces will not be tight and will move around on the wire. After finishing the first wrap, center it in the marked section. Tighten down the ends with the tips of a chain nose pliers. It will still move, but the more pieces added, the more stable the wrap becomes.

To add another piece, overlap the beginning of the next piece 1/8" to ¼" on the previous wrap before starting.

The wraps should end at least ¼" in from the marked ends of the section.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 12
Alternate method to using scrap: When making bezels, I cut quite a few 6" long strips of 28 gauge sheet copper. The extra pieces were perfect for this project. Trim the ends to a point, and start wrapping in the same manner as the short scrap strips.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 13:
Second Layer of the Chaos Scrap Wrap
How many pieces of scrap wire that will be needed is determined by the size of the scrap pieces and the size of the area to be wrapped. 24 and 26 gauge wire was used to wrap the earrings. 20, 22, and 24 gauge wire were used on the cuff and bangle.

How many wires needed is determined by the size of the area to be wrapped and the length of the scrap wire. Wires were cut in various lengths from 4" to 6" long for use on the bangle and cuff. 3" to 4" wire pieces were used on the earrings. Using more shorter pieces than longer ones means more of the pretty little balled ends will show in the wrapped area.

Cut wires to the desired lengths. Ball the both ends of each wire. Pickle, rinse and dry the pieces.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Second Layer of the Chaos Scrap Wrap, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Second Layer of the Chaos Scrap Wrap, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 14
Note: I was too lazy to pickle the wires but did so before soldering to hold the wires in place.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 15
Tightly wrap a longer balled wire end on the base and then out toward the marked line on the base. It may help to use pliers to pull the wires into a tight wrap. Wrap the wire back toward the center of the wrapped sheet section. The balled end may not reach back to the sheet wrapped section, but that is fine. Try to space the balled ends out so they are not on tip of each other. Do the same thing to the other end. Then wrap a balled wire around the center. Don't try to be perfect. These are messy wraps. The only thing to remember is to keep the balled wire ends outside the curve of the cuff and bangle. The balled wire ends can be all over on the earring hoops.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 16
Fill in, wrapping tightly, with more wires until the desired look is achieved.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 17:
The wires on the cuff and bangle can easily catch on clothing and pull away from the base. Soldering the wires in place will solve that problem. Place easy paste solder for silver or solder for copper under or to the side of all the balled wire ends and in any other areas that you feel the wires and sheet need to be secured. Heat until the solder flows. Immediately remove the heat. The larger Handy Flame Butane Torch head on a butane canister is needed for soldering the piece because the pieces are large and the Chaos Wrap is thick.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - Finishing, Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 18
Pickle, rinse and dry the piece.
Step 19
Patina to bring out the beautiful design and texture of the Chaos Scrap Wrap If left bright and shiny, the light will catch and reflect off the wraps and balls.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry
Step 20
Tumble to polish and work harden your creations.
Judy Larson's Chaos Scrap Wrap Jewelry - , Contemporary Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry, Butane Torch, Soldering, Solder, scrap wrap jewelry