Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet, Classic Wire Jewelry. Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry.  This technique developed as a way to really

Cabochon Feet

by Mint Spring
  • Category: Classic
  • Technique(s): Wrapping
  • Skill Level: Advanced
This technique developed as a way to really "show off" those cabochons whose detailed beauty lies in the fact that they are translucent. You know, the ones that you want to hang in a brightly-lit window! When made as a regular framed pendant, these stones must lay on the skin or shirt, allowing no light to get through the back, resulting in a "dead" stone.
Special Instructions: Please note that this is an Advanced or Designer pattern of technique only; I am not going into detail about the basics of how to frame a cabochon. Use those skills you have already mastered to frame your stone, adding my "foot technique" as you go. Please take a moment to read over the directions before you begin to work with them!


21 Gauge Square Half Hard 14/20 Gold Filled Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $6.81
  • Gold Club Price: $5.11
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20 Gauge Round Half Hard 14/20 Gold Filled Wire
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 feet
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 1FT
  • Price: $6.79
  • Gold Club Price: $5.10
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C.H.P Milano Italian Flush Cutter, 5 1/2 Inches
  • PLR-487.00
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $16.97
  • Gold Club Price: $12.73
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Marker -extra fine
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
Scotch 0.94 Inch Painters Tape for Taping Wires Together
  • G13-5
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $5.97
  • Gold Club Price: $4.48
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12 Inch Stainless Steel Ruler
  • G7-30
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $2.97
  • Gold Club Price: $2.23
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3.6 Volt Automatic Wire Twister (Cordless Screwdriver)
  • G5-15
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $42.97
  • Gold Club Price: $32.23
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Chain Nose Wire Pliers
  • G2-508
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $32.95
  • Gold Club Price: $24.71
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Flat Nose Wire Pliers
  • G2-506
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $32.95
  • Gold Club Price: $24.71
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Round Nose Wire Pliers
  • G2-507
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $32.95
  • Gold Club Price: $24.71
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6 1/2 Inch Bail Making Pliers
  • G2-18
  • Lesson Quantity: 1.00 pieces
  • Purchase Quantity: 1.00 each
  • Price: $12.78
  • Gold Club Price: $9.58
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Step 1:
Step 1
Use the 1/4" tape to wrap the perimeter of the stone. On the tape, mark where the wraps and the feet will be placed, as well as the bottom/center. "Feet" can be made at each corner, centered on each side, or where ever you think the stone needs to be lifted.
Note: Wraps for feet MUST be wide enough to hide the "return" wires on each side of a foot, as described in step 7.
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - Step 1, Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - Step 1, Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 2
Straighten, measure and cut the necessary number of wires for the cabochon frame (width of stone plus 2). Add four or more additional wires. (These give the necessary height for the feet). Be sure to add length for the bail and any decorative treatment you wish for embellishment. Twist any wires if you wish. Make a frame bundle, taping it together near the ends.
Note: If using twisted wires, keep them in the area that will show. Do not put them in the area of additional wires used for the feet.
Step 3
Mark the center line of the bundle and transfer the wrapping marks to the bundle from the tape.
Note: Each wrapped area will create a foot. If you want/need additional wraps without the feet, they will be marked and wrapped AFTER the feet are made, and the excess wire has been removed, but before the cab is locked into the frame.
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 4
Using the 20-gauge half round wire, wrap each foot area making sure to use the same number of wraps for each one. (This will keep each foot the same width.) Make sure the feet are located in the correct places, and bend the frame to fit around the cabochon. (If necessary, the wraps can be carefully moved a little to center them.) When feet are centered and the frame fits the cabochon, use a scrap of square wire to make a couple of wraps, connecting the frame together, leaving the wires for the bail, etc. sticking above. Do NOT make the bail yet.
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 5
Working either on or off the stone, locate the wire that will support the back of the cabochon in place. (This is the wire that you would normally use if you had not added the extra pieces for the feet.) Using the front edge of one side of your flat nose pliers, gently push this wire toward the inside of the frame. (There should be all of the added feet wires below this.) Continue creating the back framing for the cabochon. (I find it helps to get the needed wire pushed inside the bundle and then gently use my chain or flat nose pliers to position it as needed.)
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 6
Insert the cab and secure it in place by bending the front wires onto the stone as usual. If you have NO feet joining the bail, DO NOT make the bail yet.
Step 7
MAKING THE FEET: On each side of the wraps, mark the distance that is half the width (or a little greater) of the wrap.
Note: Mark only the wires to be cut which are BELOW the wire holding the back of the cab in place. It is better to mark these too long than too short, as they can always be trimmed later if necessary. Carefully cut the marked wires on one side of the foot. Use chain nose pliers to bend the cut ends behind the foot and crimp as tightly as possible. Then cut the other side and repeat the bend. Repeat this procedure for each foot.
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,
Step 8
If there are no feet joining the bail, carefully replace the square wire holding the top of the frame together and remove any cut and dangling wires. Make the bail and finish the remaining wires however you would like. If there are feet joining the bail area, make the bail incorporating all of the original wires.
Mint Spring's Cabochon Feet - , Classic Wire Jewelry, Wire Wrapping, Wrapping, Wire Wrapping Jewelry,