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WireJewelry.com is an Ogden, Utah business. We offer our instructional wire jewelry courses and copyrighted designs in 240 countries! YES, that’s a lot of countries and lots of students.

Today we offer wire artists, wire wrappers and wire sculptors over 5000 products for the art of wire sculpture. We have made the art of making jewelry our life and we love every minute of it.

When a waitress that makes $8 at a restaurant waiting tables and she does her first jewelry show and makes $300 it can be truly life changing for both her and her family. I think this is what really makes us get up in the morning is helping people become successful at a trade that will become there life’s work and a business they can run from home.

We also offer some FREE DVDs on line just to see if you would like doing this. Go to our Jewelry Video page https://www.wirejewelry.com to take a look and get some free instructions on the art of wire wrapping and wire sculpture.

Learning to make jewelry can be both fun and profitable. You never know, you could be the next big name in jewelry!

WireJewelry.com, 1521 W. 2550 S. Ogden UT 84401. (toll free) 877-636-0608