Daily Wire Tip Apr. 26: When a Culet is Too Tall for a Ring

By on April 25, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
April 26, 2011


Can anything be done or correction made to a completed ring when the culet hits the finger?

-Virginia in York, Pennsylvania


With regards to a prong ring, Virginia, which is what I believe you are talking about, I am afraid I have to answer, no.

Due to the precise construction of this design, the prongs are made to formula length; when they fit the stone properly and are then locked in with the side wires, if the prongs were to be raised to raise the stone, they would no longer fit the stone.

If the culet is very sharp and irritates your finger, my advice here (if this is not a custom order) would be to turn the ring into a pendant, and begin again. If this is a special order, then you have to remove the stone and begin again. If you can very carefully unlock the side wires and remove the stone, you might be able to replace it with a stone of the same size and shape, but with a lesser culet, and salvage the ring.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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  1. avatar

    Lesley Brough

    April 26, 2011 at 11:16 am

    I had this problem with a culet that pressed into my finger. I bent the sides of the ring down from the holder and then formed the circle of the ring making it slightly smaller so I now wear it on a smaller finger. this way I saved the ring. This of course is only possible if the ring is being made and not a bought mount. Hope this helps.

  2. avatar


    April 26, 2011 at 7:00 pm

    Before learning Dale’s formula, I too had to do what Lesley did. Even after that, it was still a wee-bit high. I carefully undo the wires on the sides that set tight the prongs, and replaced the stone that wasn’t as deep.

    Because of this incident, I purchased Dale’s DVD. Her formula worked quite well and I have not had any problem since.

    • avatar


      April 26, 2011 at 10:16 pm

      Cool Natalie – glad to help solve a mystery for you : )