Daily Wire Tip Sept. 2: Wrap Wires for Pattern Wire Bracelets

By on September 1, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
September 2, 2010


What gauge and temper wire should I use to make a multiple-wire bangle bracelet? I usually use pattern wire with four twisted wires. Using 20 or 21-gauge half hard half round wire doesn’t seem strong enough to me, especially for the end wraps.

-Nancy in Sun Lakes, Arizona


For many years, I have been using either 18-gauge or 16-gauge half hard half round wire as the binding or wrap wire for a pattern wire bangle.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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One Comment

  1. avatar


    September 5, 2010 at 9:33 am

    As Dale has stated, you need a stronger binding wire to hold tight, especially when you add in pattern wire.
    When you start adding more wire to either side of the pattern wire to make a big bold bracelet you really appreciate the fact that you have upped your binding wires because it all suddenly goes together so much easier and you know it is a solid, lasting piece of jewelry.