Perfecting your Wirework By Delilah

By on September 5, 2017
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Wire Jewelry Tip for September 5th, 2017

Perfecting your Wirework

by Delilah

If you venture in wire wrapping, make it look perfect! Nothing detracts from a wire piece more than sloppy coiling or weaving. Don’t kid yourself that people won’t notice. Truly professional wire wrapped pieces look that way – professionally done!
No matter what kind of wrapping you choose to make, make it perfectly aligned, and pay attention every step of the way. Every 2-3 coils, use your fingers or a non-marring tool to push or pull the wrapped wires close to each other and only then continue with others.


In the pictures below, take note of the consistency of the wrapping, and the lack of any gaps between them.

a c e f g h

Happy Wrapping!


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