A Chainmail Bracelet: Start Narrow, Make it Wide

By on March 8, 2017
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by Judy Ellis, Wirejewelry.com

Wire Jewelry Tip for March 8th, 2017

A Chainmail Bracelet: Start Narrow, Make it Wide

by Marilyn Gardiner

Today our tip comes to us from Marilyn Gardiner . She helps us create a chain mail bracelet and shows us how to  take it from narrow to wide.

Marilyn says:


Some people prefer a narrow bracelet, others want them wide—and many of us want BOTH in our jewelry boxes.

Here’s an example of how you can triple-up a favorite narrow chain to make a wide one. Why triple? Because odd numbers are often more pleasing to the eye.

A favorite weave is Helm Chain (or Parallel is another name for this weave). If you don’t know how to make it, there are free tutorials and videos on the internet you can refer to.

Here is a photo of 3 complete pattern repeats:

Step 1. Each repeat has 3 large rings (one pair, and one orbiting ring) and 2 small ones.

Step 2. I used 20 awg, 5 mm for the large ones, and 20 awg. 3.5 mm for the small ones.

Parallel Section 2082

Step 3. Make 3 of these dainty chains, each one long enough for a bracelet.

Step 4. Make the one for the middle a bit longer than the other two if you plan to use a single-strand clasp.


Step 5. Next, set them one above the other and start connecting them together. Each red dot marks a small, 20 awg, 3.5 mm connecting ring

Notice how they slant forward, then back, on the diagonal (see the yellow lines). Each connecting ring joins a pair of large rings in one chain to a pair of large rings in the next chain.

Step 6: Finish by adding either a single strand clasp (such as a toggle or lobster), or a 3-strand clasp.

This layering of multiple lengths of Helm actually has a name: Conundrum. To get a bit technical, it is the sheet version of helm Chain.

Now, think about how you could connect lengths of other favorite chains and experiment. Let me know if you come up with something interesting!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tip from Marilyn. For more of her tips CLICK HERE!


Happy Wrapping!

Definition of AWG: American Wire Gauge (AWG) is a U.S. standard set of non-ferrous wire conductor sizes. The “gauge” means the diameter. Non-ferrous includes copper and also aluminum and other materials.

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