Daily Wire Tip March 23: Can You Forge Gold Filled Wire?

By on March 23, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip
March 23, 2010


I have recently been learning to forge wire and wondered if you can also forge gold filled wire?


‘To forge’ means to create and shape by hammering. Yes you can safely and successfully forge gold-filled wire. My students and I do so, quite often. The gold sheath on gold-filled wire will not come off; however any wire that is plated cannot be forged. (Watch for hammered projects in our two, new, upcoming DVD series!)

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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One Comment

  1. avatar

    Casey Willson

    March 23, 2010 at 11:09 am

    As I have just begun to make and sell hammered (forged) wire jewelry this is very important information for me! I’m not restricted to red brass as a gold substitute! Hurrah!